Welcome to Solutions for Food, where I hope my experience and insights can inspire you to discover how the relationship between food, environment, and compassion affects your well-being. As a “Health Empowerment Warrior” in a
fear-fueled world of environmental toxins, processed foods, and overburdened lifestyles, it’s my personal goal to help you navigate to a place of thriving–not merely surviving.

It is my belief that when people treat themselves with true compassion and love, they nurture their bodies, relationships, and life decisions with good food, healthy environments, and fulfilling relationships that can shift the energy of the entire planet. 

How did I become a “Health Empowerment Warrior”?

  • Professionally, I’ve had a 30-year career as a clinical dietitian and college instructor; after 20 years following a Western medicine philosophy of managing “Dis Ease” I discovered the impact of functional medicine–giving me a unique perspective on modern medicine. Teaching classes such as World Hunger and Environmental Nutrition opened my eyes to the corporate bias in mainstream science and the predication towards “Scientism” that is currently fueling a medical and government system that does not promote empowerment, health or well-being.  
  • Academically, I didn’t stop with a master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Science; I explored the science of epigenetics (how our environment effects our health) and the quantum healing community of personal self-empowerment vs “Dis Ease” management.
  • Emotionally, My journey started about 45 years ago; a challenging childhood lead to horrendous food habits, weight issues, and disordered eating. I know what it’s like to discover a better path that nourishes body and soul, so I hope to help others make similar lifestyle choices.

My mission statement is:
I inspire people to understand the relationship between food, health, and compassion to empower people to heal their bodies and souls for the higher good of all on the planet“. 

It is my belief that when people treat themselves with true compassion and love, they naturally nurture their bodies, relationships, and life decisions with good food, healthy environments and fulfilling relationships that can shift the energy of the entire planet.